
"Untitled" shoots, take 3: ana, travis, and indie rock

These are pictures I took for my Untitled series that I didn't use as part of my final 15.  You can see the final 15, and my artist statement, by following the link at the top of the page. 

"Untitled" shoots, take 2: ren, sam, and claud

These are pictures I took for my Untitled series that I didn't use as part of my final 15.  You can see the final 15, and my artist statement, by following the link at the top of the page. 

"Untitled" shoots, take 1: ren and daniel

These are pictures I took for my Untitled series that I didn't use as part of my final 15.  You can see the final 15, and my artist statement, by following the link at the top of the page.